
On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously in favor of the plaintiffs. Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote the opinion, which stated that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”
School leadership wasn’t in my plans. I loved teaching and never would have guessed I’d become an administrator.
Charles developed a deep desire to advocate for others, especially young people who faced obstacles like his own.
A Generation of Students in Jeopardy of Falling Behind Academically, Socially and Emotionally.

This list is here to provide resources to help you think through your school reopening plan. It is a daily work in progress.

Please submit any information you think would be helpful to

As we look for ways to get schools reopened around the nation, we are seeing there are no easy answers. AFSA's own report on school reopening states, "after months of research by the medical and scientific community, and thoughtful dialogue with education professionals, we conclude that at least until there is a vaccine, there is no single solution that encompasses every school district in the nation."

In less than five months, we’ll be at Election Day. Hopefully by then, most voters will have cast ballots by mail, though whether you do so depends on the whims of politicians, notably Republicans who feel threatened by such balloting and the increased participation it implies.

Regardless, this time voters should take their ballots very seriously, because this year, literally, your life may depend on your vote.

June 19, 1865 was the day when the last slaves in the land became free.