
In the words of AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler, “The state of our unions is battle ready!”

A near-record seven out of every 10 Americans support unions, the latest annual Gallup Poll on the popularity of the labor movement reports.

By now, the numbers are numbing. Months into the coronavirus pandemic, more than 100,000 people in the United States are dead and 1.55 million have tested positive.

Behind those numbers are names and individual people. They are mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, friends, grandparents and grandchildren, and even a days-old baby in Chicago.

Democratic leaders were told to hold firm on the Paycheck Protection Act, or PPP, with a "fix" piece of legislation apparently scheduled for a vote in coming days.
Big business is using the coronavirus pandemic as a cover to protect itself against lawsuits.

AFSA has joined other unions in a push for the $3.6 billion in the House Democrats’ stimulus bill to pay states to establish vote-by-mail systemsand the measure’s mandate they do so.

However, the unions, plus wide public support for the idea across the country, might not be enough to sway either GOP President Trump or the overwhelming majority of the Senate’s ruling Republicans. Both Trump and senators fear that the more people vote, as Trump put, the more the Republicans lose at the polls.

With the average public school more than 50 years old, we have reached a critical juncture to fulfill the need to update and make safer our 100,000 public K–12 school facilities across the country.